How to Type Faster

In today’s world, efficiency is key; and in a society that values efficiency as much as ours does, it is crucial to constantly improve skills that allow us to complete tasks more thoroughly and in less time. One such skill is typing. Many people today have daily routines that require a substantial amount of typing- whether for work, school, or both. Increasing your typing speed can improve the efficiency of your work or school related tasks.

When aiming to type faster, first find out how fast you currently type. This will give you an idea of where you stand so that you can determine how much progress you’d like to make and set a concrete goal to do so. A good measure of your current typing capabilities is your WPM. WPM stands for “words per minute” and refers to, on average, how many words you can type in a minute. Of course this number will vary based on the task, but WPM is an excellent tool to obtain a general idea of where your current abilities are.

A great way to improve your typing is to simply ensure you are sitting properly. Maintaining proper posture will set you up to use proper hand position (discussed in the next paragraph) and will help you to avoid potential strain on your eyes, neck, wrists, or back. Proper posture includes sitting with a straight back; feet planted flat on the ground, spaced shoulder width apart; and wrists resting on the keyboard, slightly extended; and fingers arched over the keys.

Next, ensure you are using proper hand position. Many people type with incorrect hand position, simply out of habit. Correct hand position is as follows: On the left hand, the pinky should rest on the ‘A’ key, the ring finger should rest on the ‘S’ key, the middle finger should rest on the ‘D’ key, and the index finger should rest on the ‘F’ key; on the right hand, the pinky finger should rest on the ‘;’ key, the ring finger should rest on the ‘L’ key, the middle finger should rest on the ‘K’ key, and the index finger should rest on the ‘J’ key. Finally, both thumbs should rest on the space bar. This allows for your wrists to slightly extend, providing an optimal ergonomic position for accessing other keys and typing quickly. If you are not used to this position, it can take some time to get accustomed to, but will ultimately improve your typing.

After ensuring your posture and hand position are correct, practice is key. Practice is what will allow you to get used to proper hand position and create muscle memory. Continuously practicing your typing will allow your hands to grow accustomed to where they need to go; eventually you will be able to type without looking at the keyboard, and with increased speed. You can practice typing by writing emails, posting online, or even just keeping an electronic journal. Ultimately, typing is a skill just like any other, and most skills are best improved by practicing until they become second nature.

Finally, many companies offer products designed to improve your typing. These products are computer programs and generally range from simple guided typing sessions to engaging interactive games. These programs aim to increase your typing accuracy in addition to your typing speed, which will further increase efficiency by decreasing the amount of time you spend on going back and editing your work. These programs can provide a great source of assistance if you find that you need extra help getting your typing to the level it needs to be at.

Find out your own WPM Here!